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Sunday, 18 October 2020

18th October, 2020...A new normal for us all.

So......we've hit a second wave of the pandemic. Most countries are having to take precautions, though in our country these are not as strict as they were in March. I think we will all have to learn to live with this virus for the foreseeable future sadly. Living in this restricted way is becoming the norm.

Some things don't change though.......

...and Autumn is well and truly here again!

Here's my intended front cover picture! That cottage!!

Had a wonderful socially distanced visit to one of my old comrades earlier this month...and his field...

Stunning views from up there.....

...and The Nance is languishing there, under cover!

It was a breath of fresh air, meeting up again. We slipped back into our old ways so easily...

...lots of conker talk!

Back to my old self again! Submitting course work seems so retro, but I'm loving it in a way I don't remember back when I ploughed through my B.Ed with a new baby! Finally got some people interested in my writing too! Sometimes, it's what you don't say that counts....

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