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Sunday, 2 February 2020

2nd February, 2020- The Texels are back!

For a change, we've had a very quiet January-plenty of walking, writing and meeting up with family and friends. Just before Christmas, there was a small herd of Texel sheep in one of the fields next to Park House farm. We liked seeing them because they were quite tame and teddy-bear like, then suddenly they were gone. We had to assume the worst, as they are bred specifically for their muscly stature- they make good meat. But today, there is another small herd in the field, looking as teddy-bear like as ever!

I'm glad I don't eat them. I laugh at the way it's cool to be a vegetarian nowadays- I've been one since I was eighteen, and suffered the ridicule and 'inconvenience' reaction from people for many years. My carbon footprint must be zero!

The sun did come out this afternoon although it's is very muddy underfoot down at Furness Abbey at the moment, but always lovely and soothing....

...and a few very early signs of spring to be seen!

Lovely family meet-up at The Lakeside Hotel this weekend- lots of wedding plans discussed!

This blog is dedicated to friend, colleague and school secretary extraordinaire Sheila Price- The fabulous Mrs. Price- who died on Friday. I was lucky enough to work with her for twenty two years. Five words to describe her- immaculate, stylish, kind, efficient and flawless!

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