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Sunday, 13 October 2019

13th October, 2019- Furness Abbey and mental well-being!

Thought we'd get out into nature today- it's been a stressful week on many levels (although the girl is now all moved in and the boy has passed part one of his driving test)- and it was yet another rainy autumn day, but looking lovely at Furness Abbey....

......lots of bullocks waiting to greet us too!

Some lovely autumn colours down here at the moment too...

...speaking of colours- many workplaces across the town joined in with the 'Hello Yellow' mental health awareness day on Thursday, and we did our bit.....

....I work with some crazy but good-guys and in our job, supporting each other through stressful and draining times is so important- not everyone wants to talk but everyone deserves to have their personal space and feelings respected as a human being- we're all working with a spectrum of mental health issues linked to us in some way. I sometimes wish people would consider the impact of their mental health on that of others- we ALL have things we're dealing with- but some of us prefer to keep them totally private. Anyhow- Hillman's love and need nature, that's for sure....., been here this week.....

....and here......

...and, best of all here......


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