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Sunday, 26 May 2019

26th May- Teacher holidays...again!!!!

If you're a teacher you'll know that the Whit holiday is for writing school reports- that's no sort of holiday but it's what I've done for the last 31 years at Whit!! Besides which, we've just got through SATs silly season again and that makes everyone involved deserve a break...especially the kids!! So that's what we did....brought the kids down to say 'hi' to Furness Abbey!

Spot the watching and carrying footballs!

So we all enjoyed a run up and down the amphitheatre.....

...a chat...…. ice cream.....

...then back to reality!! Looking lovely down here today in the sunshine though...

..isn't the English countryside beautiful!

Weddings yesterday, weddings tomorrow......back to school reports rest for the Hillmans!!

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