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Sunday, 26 May 2019

26th May- Teacher holidays...again!!!!

If you're a teacher you'll know that the Whit holiday is for writing school reports- that's no sort of holiday but it's what I've done for the last 31 years at Whit!! Besides which, we've just got through SATs silly season again and that makes everyone involved deserve a break...especially the kids!! So that's what we did....brought the kids down to say 'hi' to Furness Abbey!

Spot the watching and carrying footballs!

So we all enjoyed a run up and down the amphitheatre.....

...a chat...…. ice cream.....

...then back to reality!! Looking lovely down here today in the sunshine though...

..isn't the English countryside beautiful!

Weddings yesterday, weddings tomorrow......back to school reports rest for the Hillmans!!

Monday, 6 May 2019

6th May, 2019...The darling buds of May!!

A chilly but beautiful day, perfect for a walk to Furness Abbey...….

...suddenly all the May buds have unfurled and it looks so green and 'English'.....

...definitely a day fit for a Shakespearean sonnet...…

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all to short a date....

We've found out that there is a pop-up Shakespearean theatre at Blenheim Palace this summer....we lived in Woodstock for a couple of years when we were kids and would really like to go to this.....

...and continuing the Shakespeare theme, we met up with our friend from Wake Up Drama Academy earlier in the week, for some Macbeth fun- it was GREAT!!

So, after a verdant, floral walk, it was home, bake and eat lemon drizzle and carrot cake muffins, and a special thanks to Mr. L for this lovely Herdy mug birthday gift!!