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Sunday, 2 December 2018

2nd December, 2018....Damp and drizzly but delightful start to December!

Almost a month since we've ventured down to Furness Abbey....and it had the WOW! factor this morning-so atmospheric and serene.....well, it was 8am! It's been such a busy few weeks, we needed the recharging that we get from Abbey walks.....

...and BOY was it muddy!!

Fabulous wreath making workshop earlier in the week, with friends and colleagues and the marvellous Alyson from POSH flowers....

...always stunning results too!

Our annual Christmas Fair gave a stunning result too...

...the mayor AND Santa visited...

...we're giving a lot of support to the RED BOX PROJECT at the moment...

...and it was packed out...not unlike the Swan Christmas Market last week!!! 

We raised a lot of money and the children raised their own charity money with their own craft stalls, which was has been a real team effort this year....pretty much every child and every colleague involved- thanks to everyone, especially the parent who made and donated this! It's great to see the rise of Fairs and Fetes at the moment!

Don't forget to visit the Greengate tree at the Dalton St Mary's annual Christmas tree festival ( the tree was created by Mrs G, Mrs A and their class this year)...beautiful!

Here next week for a festive family get together before some of the family go to the Philippines for Christmas.....good luck to them!

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