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Sunday, 12 August 2018

12th August, 2018.....Cumbria returns to cool and green!

Early August has bought cooler temperatures to Cumbria and Furness, and some welcome bouts of  rain...... Ambleside's River Rothay is still looking quite empty...…

...we had to have our customary 'Apple Pie Eating House' summer visit earlier in the week....

…..thirty years since I left Ambleside after teaching training there, and the 'Apple Pie' was a tiny but very popular little café has really taken off now, but still as good as ever and well worth a visit if you are up there!

Mill Beck is looking a little more green and healthy again.... is the countryside around Furness Abbey we put our boots on and went for an early morning 'dewy' walk....

...and a quick 'morning tea' at Abbey Mill Café....

...and a quiet 'creep up' on a heron who was fishing...

….never got a long lens when you need it!!!! Times are changing for the Hillman family..

…..the boy has left school, is going to college and has got himself a part-time job, and his own wheels....

….couldn't resist having a little go myself, for old-times sake...

...and the 'Northants' family branch will soon be moving much MUCH closer!!!!

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