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Saturday, 24 March 2018

24th March, 2018.....Fiftieth birthdays and the 1950s!

The sun was out, the sky was blue and we needed to walk off a bit of stress...Furness Abbey was calling as always, so off we went.......

....and it was looking truly lovely in the early spring sunshine!

We did laugh we  we found these two stuck in the railway cottage garden....

....we let them out and they managed to open the gate themselves by biting it and pulling!!

Furness Abbey was treated to some extra special visitors earlier in the week.....

...bought my crazy class and colleagues down for a walk and a hot chocolate!!

A little bit of fresh air and freedom worked wonders for us all!

My brother Mike is 50 tomorrow!!! Happy Birthday to him....and here's our mum in the 1950s ( in the middle), a LONG LONG LONG time before she had any of us!!!

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