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Sunday, 7 January 2018

7th January, 2018...An arctic (and ghostly) blast at the start of '18!

Happy New Year to all our blog followers.....festivities and Christmas weddings over for another year...not very happy that we've all shared the nasty cold bug around the family....especially as we'd all been so well in the run up to Christmas this year...decorations down and boxes of tissues installed instead! Beautiful weather at the moment though....cold, crisp and clear....perfect for long walks to Furness Abbey....., it was a quiet Saturday afternoon, deserted down here, and we started to climb up to our usual vantage point, and as I looked up I saw the silhouette of someone already standing up there, so I thought to myself "oh, we'll meet whoever that is...have to say HI " etc. But when we got to the top of the amphitheatre, they'd gone, and there was no one, one on the paths, or walkways or anything....deserted. Mr Hillman says I'm going mad and seeing things but I know I saw someone.....weird or what!!

Anyhow, as Sunday dawned, bright and clear we thought we'd have a quick trip down to the Abbey to see the was 8am.....

...the place has 'atmosphere' there's no denying that!!!

As the day warmed up, we did wheel nana out so she could try out her Christmas hat.....

...I think half of Barrow was down here, enjoying the brief spell of warmth from the winter sun...

...poor Abbey Mill's Jackie and staff were run off their feet.......

....always time for a catch up though! We had a brief wander through Hawcoat this morning too...had a quick look at one of our favourite views then walked down to view the new maternity unit at FGH....almost ready to open.......

...some heartbreakingly sad stories behind the drive for this much needed new unit....great for all the new mums of the future, in our area.

Two sets of stormy weather for Furness earlier this week....Frank enjoyed his first ever visit to Earnse Bay to get a taste of it!

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