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Sunday, 3 December 2017

3rd December, 2017...Festivities abound!!

Along with the extremely cold but lovely weather and the onslaught of Christmas Fairs, shows, craft workshops and jumpers, it feels rather festive already and it's only early December!

Massive attendance at our school Christmas Fair...we raised £960, a fantastic amount and tribute to the support our school is getting from the local community at the moment! Santa came too....

.....aka Dan Hayes, who is raising money for his favoured Motor Neurone Charity by doing seventeen challenges in'17...being Santa was just one of them!

We raised a little bit for him too- worthy of your support I think!

We've had the Grinch in school too...forcing us to support the Save the Children Christmas appeal....

...some of us being forced more than others!!!!

Lots of support from staff and children alike though!

And a special thank you to Alison of POSH Flowers fame.....she lead a fabulous Christmas Wreathmaking workshop for staff and friends of Greengate...and the results were beautiful!!

Our boss was especially proud of hers!

Don't forget to support the Dalton St Mary's Christmas Tree Festival over the next few weeks...we have a tree in it again, thanks to my very lovely colleague Mrs Gay!

It's looking absolutely beautiful at Abbey House at the moment.....

...and we were lucky enough to have a meet up and meal with family there at the weekend....lovely setting and gorgeous food, as always!

We did have such a laugh afterwards, trying to figure out who's jumper this was....

......we all lived together in the massive house Dunvegan when Rosie was first born, and as I didn't have more than the minimum clothes as a poor student, I often wore my brothers jumpers- we reckoned this was Rog's in the end, bought on dad's Burton's account!!! Most people had a wear of it at some point though!!

So...we ended the weekend with a sunny walk to Furness Abbey!

Tales from the RiverBank this week!!!

Looking decidedly wintery now...could even be a dusting of snow next weekend!!!

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