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Sunday, 12 November 2017

12th November, 2017..A wintry feel to Remembrance Sunday!

Beautiful blue skies this morning, but the garden thermometer was registering just above zero degrees! The crisp morning provided the perfect back drop for Barrow's annual Remembrance Day parade....and hundreds of people turned up to support, as always!

Haven't seen these in the park before...lovely little memorials!

Our parade was very well turned out, but seemed a little 'under-policed'?
The poor police man on the
Hibbert Road/Abbey Road junction was on his own trying to direct and re route traffic from all directions- I did wonder why anyone who knows the town would still be trying to drive down the areas of the parade even at 10.55am. As a teacher, I am very aware of my civic duty- requirement in fact- to educate children in the subject of 'British Values'. It is becoming a massive curricular area, but I do wonder if it has skipped a generation.

Anyhow- the parade and service itself was excellent, as always!

Hey Mr. Mayor, if you read this blog-you are invited to this year's Christmas Fair at Greengate!

Good to see our MP there too!

Stunning blue Triumph at the end of the parade!

You have to have a Hillman roast dinner after standing out in the cold, don't you!!!

What better to finish the day off than a brisk afternoon walk to Furness Abbey....

.....which looked stunning in the sparking sunshine!

Boots are out!!!

Many thanks to Abbey Mill's Jackie for donating some voucher raffle prizes for our up coming Christmas Fair!

Absolutely stunning down at Furness Abbey at the moment.....

And final mention to Gill this little treasure of a book from cover to cover and back informative- especially about our favourite Abbey!

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