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Sunday, 8 October 2017

8th October, 2017.....Moonshine, motivation, Macmillan and a mellow Sunday morning!

Woah....did you see that giant moon on Thursday reminded me of when Jim Carey became God and lassoed it down for Jennifer Aniston...the SteveHillman camera sat up 'till late to capture it....

and this from earlier in the week, same place.....

love where we live!!! And it was such a beautiful morning this morning, that after our cook-a-thon....

(banana muffins and fruit flapjack being the highlights)

.......we headed down to Furness Abbey to enjoy the early October sunshine.....

.....a spot  of morning coffee at Abbey Mill Café.....

...and look who we bumped in to!!!!!

Mr LastResort himself!!! And looking really well....thank goodness!

Kicked up a few leaves then headed home!

Continuing the Autumnal theme,lovely peachy bridal display from POSH Flowers at Abbey House wedding on Friday...we are lucky enough to be hosting a POSH Flowers wreath making workshop at the end of November...really looking forward to it!

Met up with our 'motivation' friend Tim Hall again last week.....great for getting kids (and adults) thinking about why they do what they do....BeGo coaching if your are interested!!!

We've also had a bit of STEM work with Furness Academy this week.....

...and we've done our first school fund raising event.....our school certainly puts itself our there....and on that subject....YOU CAN COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! We are holding a Harvest Festival, open day and open evening on Thursday (12th October)- you couldn't choose a better school for your juniors ....the school is full of passionate and highly skilled junior practitioners...spread the word!!!

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