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Sunday, 16 July 2017

16th July, 2017....Mad Colleagues and Englishmen!!!

A beautiful, breezy Sunday so we decided to head to Furness Abbey for a bit of peace and a 'wind-down'...only four more working days of this academic year left.......

....always time to have a spot of morning tea at Abbey Mill Café....

.....with lemon drizzle cake of course!!!

We've had such a mad last few weeks of term, keeping the academic ball rolling as well as fitting in all our community events, so thank goodness for my massively supportive (and totally crazy) colleagues who share the load.....

                                ...couldn't manage without this one, in her Mexican blanket......

...we did have an actual reason why we were all dressed in denim, checked shirts and cowboy was our annual transition event- hence the two head teachers above-and this year it had a 'Wild West' theme....the KIDS enjoyed it too!

The Steve Hillman Camera has had a quiet, lonely fortnight, editing weddings, so he took a break to visit Grizedale Forest earlier in the week, again with the MAD GJS brigade-it is a lovely place to walk and chill out with the need for arcade games and rollercoasters!. My mum and dad used to chuck us five kids and the dog into the car when we were little and let us run for a whole day on the Grizedale Forest Nature Trails- there were different coloured posts to follow back then-keep us fed with Tupperware-flavoured sandwiches and sausages from a flask, and we didn't half sleep well when we got home!!

Isn't Cumbria a stunning place...we are so lucky!!!

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