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Wednesday, 31 May 2017

31st May, 2017....Floral delights at Furness Abbey!

Last day to get a blog done before it becomes Flaming June! We just haven't had the time to get down to Furness Abbey since the start of and weddings have taken over a little bit, but thankfully it's the spring bank holiday week, and we've allowed ourselves a little bit of 'down-time'. Not much though-if you're a grafting teacher, this half term break is for REPORT WRITING-and it has been for years! But we have managed a sunny walk down here this morning......

.....and it is looking truly stunning.....early summer flowers everywhere......


One of my children has taken the other one on a short break to London.....

......but we did manage a family 'catch-up' first at the lovely Bay Horse! The last text I had from the kids was that they'd had a late breakfast at Pre-a-Manger and were heading to the British Museum! Even though I was born there, I'm really not a fan of London....much prefer the quiet of the countryside!

My mum's the original 'cockney' though...if you know her, you'll know what I mean (pawa wosh!)!

Even the SteveHillmanCamera took time out of his busy schedule to have an ice cream, care of Abbey Mill Café!

Just a couple of days to relax a bit, and unwind before....argh.....masses of stuff through June and July!!!!

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