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Wednesday, 31 May 2017

31st May, 2017....Floral delights at Furness Abbey!

Last day to get a blog done before it becomes Flaming June! We just haven't had the time to get down to Furness Abbey since the start of and weddings have taken over a little bit, but thankfully it's the spring bank holiday week, and we've allowed ourselves a little bit of 'down-time'. Not much though-if you're a grafting teacher, this half term break is for REPORT WRITING-and it has been for years! But we have managed a sunny walk down here this morning......

.....and it is looking truly stunning.....early summer flowers everywhere......


One of my children has taken the other one on a short break to London.....

......but we did manage a family 'catch-up' first at the lovely Bay Horse! The last text I had from the kids was that they'd had a late breakfast at Pre-a-Manger and were heading to the British Museum! Even though I was born there, I'm really not a fan of London....much prefer the quiet of the countryside!

My mum's the original 'cockney' though...if you know her, you'll know what I mean (pawa wosh!)!

Even the SteveHillmanCamera took time out of his busy schedule to have an ice cream, care of Abbey Mill Café!

Just a couple of days to relax a bit, and unwind before....argh.....masses of stuff through June and July!!!!

Sunday, 7 May 2017

7th May, 2017...YMCA and a sunny Sunday before SATs!

What a beautiful Sunday! Perfect for a walk at Furness Abbey.......

...which was looking like glorious, as always!

We are bringing our hard working year six children down here on Friday after what has become know as 'Silly SATs Season'....we know they will 'nail it' -they always do!

Lovely meal at Abbey House/Oscar's on Friday too.....can recommend it highly! The SteveHillman camera was up at YMCA Lakeside earlier in the week- our children had been invited to a 'taster day' for their new promotions, and they had a fab time! I worked there through my teens, on Day Camps, which kind of set me on the road to becoming a teacher, and my daughter attended Day Camps herself from age seven up until she was thirteen- she loved it! The use of Lake District as an outdoor pursuits venue is becoming quite competitive, and YMCA and now working very hard to re promote themselves-it's worth a look!

'Changing young lives' is what YMCA certainly changed mine! As did this lovely place!

And congratulations to Sam and Natalie who married at Abbey House yesterday...we saw Sam as a newborn!!!