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Wednesday, 27 December 2017

27th December, 2017....Icy sunshine and family funtime!

Well...Christmas came and went in a blur, even though we've been doing all things Christmas since 31st October....really nice to catch up with most of the family-another five arrived after this, and the Lancs, London and Northants branches stayed where they were this year and are now snowed in!!

 (Nana is seventy six tomorrow!!)

We did manage a Boxing Day walk to Furness finally stopped raining and the air was beginning to chill.....deserted at Abbey Mill though!!

Then this morning, the air temperatures were back down to minus two,with Furness Abbey looking its best in the icy winter sunshine.....

......nothing like a spot of bracing afternoon tea at Abbey Mill Café...

.....and lots of wild life enjoying the sunshine too!

Got the chance to try out my new binoculars!!

Talking of Christmas presents....I work with the most talented lady I know....she made me this for Christmas- its me, with binoculars, ruck sack, walking boots, guide book,a knitted thermos flask, knitted sandwiches and even knitted Oreo biscuits....many thanks to the brilliant Julie B!!

Friday, 22 December 2017

22nd December, 2017....Misty and Mild Morning at Furness Abbey!

What strange weather we've been having. All that freezing air has disappeared, to be replaced by this low and constant misty rain and today...pure mist! We had to head down to Furness Abbey.......

...spooky in the mist! It wasn't actually raining, but everything was dripping....'s funny what you notice when the background is misted up!

Brief blog to capture the misty conditions....but must say a belated Happy Birthday to our daughter who was 33 yesterday- we were fans of the 'Outdoors' even back then!

Sunday, 17 December 2017

17th December, 2017.......Ford Park and a Festive Birthday!

Finally finished the school year....Christmas can start at home now! After that really cold snap, we're back to damp and drizzly weather, but it looked quiet and calm at Furness Abbey this afternoon.....

....the river is running really high....

.....and it's pretty muddy.....

...the Herdies don't seem to mind though!

Always time for a spot of afternoon tea at Abbey Mill Café....

...indoors today, as you can see!

We met up with family for a festive birthday breakfast earlier in the day, at The Coach House, Ford Park- what a lovely place.

Really nicely cooked food too....

.......and the kids, of course!!

......a bit damp, but what a little gem of a place- well worth a visit!

We had our lovely Nativity and Christingle service to finish the term....our local community is supporting us massively at the moment, which was great to see..

...and a light sprinkling of snow on the fells to get everyone in a festive mood!

Sunday, 10 December 2017

10th December, arctic blast at Furness Abbey!

Okay.....we haven't got the snow that came in after Storm Caroline but the temperatures have dropped away dramatically.....

....freeeezing at Furness Abbey this afternoon....

.......didn't stop the 'olds' having a trek across the tops though!! Looking quite bleak now though, isn't it!

Oh no...the woodpecker tree has been chopped down...where will they nest now??

The light was fading by 2pm.......

......time to head over to the Dalton St.Mary's Christmas Tree Festival......

...some lovely ideas for trees this year...very creative.....

......and we were there too!

We completed our festive Christmas production and performances earlier in the week (with it's 120-strong cast), so are breathing a sigh of relief.....

                                               .......still lovely on River Bank though!