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Sunday, 23 October 2016

23rd October, 2016...Greenfinches and saying goodbye!

Well, we've made it to half term and almost the end of idea where that time went! The weather has been beautiful lately, and this weekend was no exception, so we headed down to Furness abbey just as the sun was rising.........

.....starting to look very autumnal.....

a bit like my new hair colour, though it wasn't my CHOICE!!!!

The SteveHillman camera has been quite busy with weddings even though the summer season is over, with a memorable one last week...... well as trips to Liverpool.......

                                                          ....and Furness College.......

                                                              ....and Harvest celebrations.......

.........and Lakes Parade for a quick sunrise snapping session........

.............then back to Furness Abbey with school's lovely Greenfinches group...they had a lot of fun and tucked in to 'morning tea' at Abbey Mill...why wouldn't you!

Said goodbye to my lovely friend and colleague Mr Woodburn on Friday...he's off to a new school to further his career, so we wish him all the best!

Brief trip up the Lakes this week for us......

...before weddings and Abbey House Vintage Wedding Fair take over!

Abbey House Hotel & Gardens

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