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Thursday, 27 October 2016

27th October, 2016...Lovely Low Wood Bay break!

Lake Windermere looked lovely in the early morning mist and autumn sunshine earlier in the week.....

                                                     ...and beautiful in the evening too!

And what a lovely hotel...I would highly recommend a stay there......

..........we spent a bit of time just watching the world go by!

Looking very Christmassy already, in Ambleside.....

........but no Lakes trip would be complete without some vintage motor spotting!

Great to get home and have a walk to Furness Abbey though...and it is looking lovely in the changing season, as always!

Some scary bulls in the meadow at the moment.....

...especially this one....!!

Talking about Christmas, many thanks to Jackie from Abbey Mill Café for donating these vouchers to our up coming Christmas Fair, on November 25th.....

...first batch of Hillman mince pies baked too!!

Sunday, 23 October 2016

23rd October, 2016...Greenfinches and saying goodbye!

Well, we've made it to half term and almost the end of idea where that time went! The weather has been beautiful lately, and this weekend was no exception, so we headed down to Furness abbey just as the sun was rising.........

.....starting to look very autumnal.....

a bit like my new hair colour, though it wasn't my CHOICE!!!!

The SteveHillman camera has been quite busy with weddings even though the summer season is over, with a memorable one last week...... well as trips to Liverpool.......

                                                          ....and Furness College.......

                                                              ....and Harvest celebrations.......

.........and Lakes Parade for a quick sunrise snapping session........

.............then back to Furness Abbey with school's lovely Greenfinches group...they had a lot of fun and tucked in to 'morning tea' at Abbey Mill...why wouldn't you!

Said goodbye to my lovely friend and colleague Mr Woodburn on Friday...he's off to a new school to further his career, so we wish him all the best!

Brief trip up the Lakes this week for us......

...before weddings and Abbey House Vintage Wedding Fair take over!

Abbey House Hotel & Gardens

Saturday, 8 October 2016

8th October, 2016...What Autumn Saturdays are made of...!

Instead of my weekly rant at and wrestle with the Dyson today (and as the SteveHillmanCamera has a day off) I broke with tradition and we had a sunny walk to Furness Abbey....which looked glorious in the Autumnal sunshine!

Talking of the SteveHillmanCamera, he's been gadding about quite a bit recently, and he found himself at Nutters restaurant in Rochdale last weekend, photographing a wedding.....

....which was lovely, until one of the poor guests walked into a plate glass window. This story was relayed to me when he got back at 11pm, and later he heard that the guest was okay apart from a spell in hospital getting scanned all happens at weddings!

We took lots of kids and adults to the Motor Museum earlier this week, and they got to ride in Rosie, one of the vintage buses we hired from Classic Coaches....the kids loved it!

My poor colleague got the thin end of the wedge bus-ride wise....I stayed firmly planted at the museum!! Rosie had to come along for the ride! It is a fascinating place well as all the vintage motors, it had lots about the 'Dolly blue' works that used to dominate the Backbarrow skyline, great displays about Donald Campbell (which the kids loved ) and all sorts of 'throwback' vintage displays, including bikes and other toys through the ages. It's well worth a visit, and Café Ambio is lovely too!

Can't keep junior boys away from sports cars though....Frankie was so jealous that he couldn't come with us!!!

He's hardly a junior now is he!!!!

Looking delightfully autumnal at Furness Abbey today......

...there are some beautiful locations around here aren't there....

...wouldn't want to be anywhere else!