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Sunday, 13 March 2016

March 13th, 2016....Kendal, Kirkby and collaboration!!

I'm looking out over my sunny garden as I'm typing this....clumps of golden daffodils and a mild feels positively spring like....yet we all thought we'd get pneumonia on Tuesday!!!

That's Furness Abbey this certainly brought the crowds out....
...even nana managed the climb to the top of the amphitheatre!!
Definitely Abbey Mill ice cream weather!!
You can tell it's the Steve Hillman thumb...that's the injury from last time's a new one today, as I'm sure everyone now knows thanks to the incredibly annoying FACEBOOK ( I am one of the sensible small minority who doesn't!!).
Boy-oh-boy did we get wet in Kendal on Tuesday...a low and drenching mist hung around all day, and wet coats lose heat! The kids enjoyed a great tour around the Kendal museum of Lakeland Life , and some skiing and tubing fun at Kendal Snowsports, but they were pretty cold and wet by half past two!!! Even Jack Wolfskin failed to keep me totally dry!!
What was great though was the two fifty minute coach rides, which gave me a chance, for the first time in ages, to catch up with my colleagues...we all work in the same year groups and on the same corridors, but all we seem to manage is 'Hi' and 'Bye'...that is the nature of the job now. Teachers need more chance to collaborate...that's when they do their best work, but with what the DfE have just landed on us, there is little chance of that...for now, we'll have to plan on the front seats of coaches!!
Now there's a 'blast from the past' for all Greengaters...Mr Wall has re emerged in England, just for a few days...the grey beard has gone, but he's still climbing Everest every day, for fun, into his seventies (actually, that's not a joke...he runs a trekking company in the Himalayas!)
Not the Himalayas, that's Kirkby...the Steve Hillman camera has been looking for pastures new this week.....
...looks lovely doesn't it! Let's hope this warm weather's been raining for far to long! We always have The Eagles playing on trips in the spring and's driving music, and a trip down memory lane for me because MAN, did I have a crush on Glen Frey...I wanted his clothes, his jacket, his jeans, his hair, (not his beard or side-burns though!!)....I thought he was IT!!! We watched the four hour Sky Arts documentary on them last week, stunning! So sad that he's gone!

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