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Sunday, 17 January 2016

17th January, 2016...A snowy Sunday..!

There was some heavy grey cloud hanging around in the sky looked malevolent but we pressed on with our walk to Furness Abbey regardless.....

...and Frank found some icy puddles, so we thought that would be 'it' for wintry weather...
...then yesterday evening, those clouds let down a fine powdering of snow...
...but when we woke up this morning....
woah...Hawcoat, at least, was covered! Boots on and out we went!!!
We met this lot whilst out walking.....
...Hillman children don't feel the cold....
...some real snow to try out my new boots....
...and a bit of snowballing!!! We headed off to Furness Abbey in the afternoon....
..along with the rest of the town!!! Amazing how a bit of snow can bring everyone out...Abbey Mill was packed solid and cars were parked all the way up to Manor Farm and beyond! It did look lovely though!!
Next year's Christmas card photo I'm sure!!
We are amateurs at this 'snow' lark....we watched The Revenant last that is REAL snow, complete with minus twenty Celsius, Sioux Indians, wolves and bears....all my nightmares rolled into one, but it's an excellent film!!! Oh no...large white flakes have begun to fall from the sky again as I'm writing snow but hate it falling on a work day!!!!!

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