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Wednesday, 22 July 2015

22nd July, 2015..."Parting is such sweet sorrow...!"

Well...that's the end of another school year...another set of eleven year olds sent out into the big wide world....and there were some great kids, especially my little Shakespearian friend. He even read out a sonnet dedicated to one of our retiring members of staff....more on the Shakespeare theme later! It's got to Wednesday before we could even think about some time to ourselves and a walk.....

Very quiet and calm down at Furness Abbey this lunch time.....with a lovely smell of woodsmoke in the air...
...until we realised that it was woodsmoke from an actual fire that was still burning!!
Someone has been camping in the woods again, abandoned the tent and their rubbish but left the fire smouldering...ooops!
What a mess! Still...we had a lovely lunch at Abbey Mill and a good chin-wag with Jackie...don't forget to have a trip down to Abbey Mill this holiday!
Yes I am looking a bit 'wiped out' at the moment...people who know me know what has gone on! Normal colour will be resumed soon! Shakespeare.....
.....Blackwell and The Globe Theatre Players...two of our favourite things coming could we resist....and what a superb performance of Romeo and Juliet it was....stunning and so uplifting!
Tattoos to show the Capulets apart from the Montagues, whilst the swallows flew overhead..... much energy...Frankie couldn't take his eyes off the stage.......
...him from DCI Banks.....
...and all set against a Lake District summer twilight...So worth it!
Said good bye to a colleague whom I have worked with for 28 years this week...she's supported our school for 38 years, so we had a bit of a party for her at Clarence House too...
Happy Retirement Elaine......and in the words of Juliet...Parting is such sweet sorrow!

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