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Sunday, 28 June 2015

28th June, 2015....Vikings and Vintage...!

Just three weeks to go until the end of our working year....and finally, the weather is joining in the fun!! A beautiful day down at Furness Abbey on SATURDAY ( Stevehillman weddings today...but fantastic wedding news today nevertheless!!).

Look at that sky!!! Frankie has his shorts on in honour of the sun making an appearance!
And you will notice the railway work men have finally gone!
Abbey Mill is the perfect place to come for an ice cream and a cup of tea after a long walk, and a great place to meet up with friends....informal and relaxed!
The SteveHillman camera has got some competition though, as he didn't take two of these photos...the little guy in red did, and they're not bad!!!
We did get invaded by Vikings on Tuesday....and what a fun day we had! If you are trying to bring history to life in your educational establishment, I would thoroughly recommend
Some superb mini-Vikings joined the invasion too! Nothing like our school events for bringing people (and Vikings!) together!
So...we headed over to the Dock Museum for all things vintage today...a bit breezy but looking nice for the week ahead.....
....Frankie has now overtaken me in height, and I'm wearing his cast-off hoodies...
...he understands what 'records' are now...we have a loft full of them...
Lovely atmosphere at the Vintage Fair...always a nice lunch at the café too!
We live in a great place, don't we!!

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