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Sunday, 19 April 2015

19th April, 2015..."Poor and content is rich, and rich enough."

Hmmmm.... a week of Shakespeare (it is #shakespearesunday after all!!) and taking stock! It did end on a rather lovely, sunny note though.....
....that's a Shakespeare quote at the beginning.....the SteveHillman camera photographed a wedding this week and the speech given by the bride really hit home with him....the value of an upbringing by grounded parents who taught good principals, morality, honesty and integrity...nothing to do with money. We both had that sort of up bringing, and are grateful for it.....value your parents whilst you still have them!
 It was a bit like The Waltons in our house!
Ha ha...we found these in the loft this week whilst having a clear out as we are having work done!
That's me and my dad just over thirty years ago! Anyhow...a quiet week of reflection and feeling grateful I think...and we headed down to Abbey Mill as the sun came out....and so did the rest of Barrow!
Actual 'azure' skies!
Frank has decided to become a 'sharp' dresser so we spent Saturday morning shopping for clothes for him....and he's still only TWELVE!
Whereas, if you look at our daughter...she was more traditional...
Gosh....was my waist really that small!! Steve Hillman hasn't changed much has he!
We were going to my brother's wedding that the Glen Garth Hotel, which is no longer functioning as a hotel....
...if you are reading this Lou, you have an even smaller waist than me!! More photos from the loft! it's definitely been a week for thinking about family! My mum looks so young in that photo...she still does!
We were only twenty in this photo, and not even married...attending another family member's wedding... I made that dress myself...hard to believe I know!!
If only I'd had this book all those years it in one sitting and was stunned on so many levels.... "Be ye not swift to judge..." as Shakespeare would say!

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