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Monday, 22 December 2014

22nd December,'s that simple!'s happened.....we have a THIRTY year old daughter!! Here she is at five months and thirty years five hours!

                                    And we celebrated in style at.....Abbey House...where else!

Somehow, Frank managed to get Santa to give him an 'Ive been good' certificate to give to his!"
Very blustery and damp at Furness Abbey at the moment...lovely for walking though!
I was thinking, as I was walking, as you do.....I am so lucky to have the wonderful family and friends that I've got....there are some lovely people out there, who would do nothing to cause hurt to anyone else....bless them all!! Most are coming round to my house for Christmas dinner this year...argh!!! We met some new and very nice people yesterday who also might become part of the family, so even better.....! We had a lovely finish to our school term this year, with a Christingle celebration for our children and families, and a presentation to one of our community stalwarts, which was fantastic as I've know her for a good 25 years now! 
Heartfelt good wished to you all this Christmas!

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