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Sunday, 28 December 2014

28th December, 2014...Nana's birthday blog!!

At last, a frosty morning, and Nana's birthday too...a perfect excuse for heading down to Furness Abbey......and it did look lovely in the morning light!

Exactly the right weather for a birthday cappuccino and a slice of cake at Abbey Mill....thanks to Jacquie for providing a delicious slab of chocolate cake for the occasion!!
No, she's not one, or one hundred, but I'm 51 so work it out!!! And she's still holding down a full time job!!
How lovely...a festive robin had a few crumbs of the cake too!
So....we are planning next Christmas now!!! Met our friends down at Abbey Mill yesterday.....we are decamping there on New Years Afternoon for more partying! It has been lovely this Christmas catching up with people......guess it's what Christmas is all about...but this time next week we will be getting ready to go back to work again!! Actually, I love my job, so have not a thing to complain about!!! The SteveHillmanPhotography machine is just setting up to shoot a wedding at Crooklands later this afternoon, so what a lucky bride with all this sparking sunshine!
Oh, to be a kid again, just messing about at Furness Abbey!
Get yourself down here whilst it's still frosty....lovely!
And to Mrs. J,......have a lovely trip up here today.....come back refreshed and ready for next weeks onslaught!!

Friday, 26 December 2014

26th December,2014...Boxing day Blog!

The light powdering of snow wasn't there when we woke up this morning.....not this.......

                                                                  ....more like this.....

...very dank and drippy....
......and quiet at Abbey Mill!
Frank has his new Gap jumper on, and a designer hat from Kate's Skates, bought for him by this pair!
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas Day....we saw pretty much all of the family at some point......

...brothers and sisters and their was lovely to get every one together!
Not these two though....they were in the Bahamas (well, North Hants actually!)
Even we got out of our boots and hiking boots long enough to cook dinner and have a photo taken!!
The town centre looked quite festive Frank says.....
....that's it for another year!!

Monday, 22 December 2014

22nd December,'s that simple!'s happened.....we have a THIRTY year old daughter!! Here she is at five months and thirty years five hours!

                                    And we celebrated in style at.....Abbey House...where else!

Somehow, Frank managed to get Santa to give him an 'Ive been good' certificate to give to his!"
Very blustery and damp at Furness Abbey at the moment...lovely for walking though!
I was thinking, as I was walking, as you do.....I am so lucky to have the wonderful family and friends that I've got....there are some lovely people out there, who would do nothing to cause hurt to anyone else....bless them all!! Most are coming round to my house for Christmas dinner this year...argh!!! We met some new and very nice people yesterday who also might become part of the family, so even better.....! We had a lovely finish to our school term this year, with a Christingle celebration for our children and families, and a presentation to one of our community stalwarts, which was fantastic as I've know her for a good 25 years now! 
Heartfelt good wished to you all this Christmas!

Sunday, 7 December 2014

7th December, 2014.......Arctic winds, Dastardly, Muttley and Mike Scott!

Where has that freezing wind come from....we were moaning last week about not needing our cold weather gear this year, when suddenly...phew! The cold didn't deter these families from their Santa Hunting game at Abbey Mill this afternoon!

We settled for a cup of tea and one of Jacquie's cheese toasties!
It has been a bit of a Christmas Tree fest for us today....Crooklands at ten o'clock to purchase the family Christmas trees, Frankie sprouting a tree on his head, then a visit to the St. Mary's Dalton Christmas Tree festival!
The mad Hillman children get madder every day!
The theme this year is 'TV programmes old and new' and there are some stunning trees!
'When the boat comes in'....remember that!
Watch with Mother...The Wooden Tops! I'm pretty sure one of my aunties called the large family that I grew up in 'The Wooden Tops'! Cheek!
Dastardly and Muttley!!!! I loved that programme....I thought of myself as Penelope Pitstop...still do!
Bob the Builder!
Dr. Who....speaking of which 'A Greengate Christmas Carol' takes place this
week...complete with full sized Dalek....come and watch if that makes you curious!! My lovely colleagues and I have dreamed up a blinder this time! The Steve Hillman camera managed to catch the early morning mist on Monday...he sneaked out to Furness Abbey early and captured these.....
Then it was off up to Ambleside with the senior Hillmans for Christmas shopping!
Misbehaving must be in the Hillman genes!! Lovely views on the way back though!
I'm having an on going debate with two friends of mine...Ellie Goulding's or Mike Scott's version of 'How long will I love you..'. For me, there is no contest... it's Mike's song, but they are both younger and haven't really heard of the Waterboys! (How could you NOT have!!)
YOU decide.....however, I would be happy for Mike Scott himself to come here and convince the 'newbies' of his genius!!