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Sunday, 14 September 2014

14th September, 2014...English Heritage...what are you playing at?!

Not a good week for Furness Abbey and it's surrounding manors....English heritage have pronounced that there would be very little impact on the site if houses were built on this beautiful field in the background here...what utter rubbish....imagine thirty eight houses shoe-horned onto this field...what a disaster!
Let's hope the local council has the sense to rule against allowing these houses to be built...there is no need, and if pros and cons are truly balanced for a decision like this, the cons are far heavier.
A flat, grey, clammy sort of day today, but what a beautiful week of weather it has been...did you see the Harvest Moon the other evening...beautiful!
The Steve Hillman camera has been busy again at weddings over the weekend, and he was at a venue on Friday that he hasn't worked at for at least fifteen years...Lakeside Hotel.....
 as well as the wedding shots, he did get some lovely autumnal photography whilst eating his 'Billy NoMates' pack up by the side of the lake, whilst the bridal party had their meal!
The lonely life of a wedding photographer!! I don't think so....we walk around the town quite a lot, and we can't go anywhere without people stopping us and chatting...I always say afterwards "Who was that" , and the reply is always...'Oh, I did his/her/their wedding in....'etc! Steve Hillman Photographer is now as well know as Ray Hillman, Postman!!
Frank treated himself to an Abbey Mill Burger today......well...he has had a hard week at school! Haven't we all!!
This running group use Abbey Mill as their base now.... It's great to see these different fitness groups starting up around here...I can't run, but a 'Power Walking' group might be more my style!
Any policemen reading this, there has been a bit of sneaky 'flytipping' down here, by the railway looks awful...
This is us walking along the river bed today...the beck has pretty much dried up, which is strange...and further along towards Bow Bridge, there are fish dying on the dried up's pretty gruesome because there is nowhere to put them. Has it dried up or has it been blocked somewhere????
How strange...!!

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