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Sunday, 30 March 2014

30th March, 2014...phew...a scorching Mothering Sunday!

There was the promise of some warmer weather on the breeze this weekend, and it arrived in perfect time for Mother's Day. Furness Abbey looking stunning as ever!!

What a fantastic display of daffodils around here at the moment too!
 And some other spring stunners are rearing their heads!
The Hillman children on Mother's Day.....eighteen years between them!!!
And the Hillman/Exley mothers...we had 'a bit of a do' today for the occasion! It looks like a summers day!!
But granddad had to get in on the act too!
It just happens to be their 55th wedding anniversary today too!
We've got thirty years in ourselves at Christmas!!
Some workmen high up in the Abbey yesterday, having a good look at the can just see their high visibility jackets in this photo!
This is me in my high visibility jacket!! The end of a busy but distinctly 'summery' weekend!!

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