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Sunday, 30 March 2014

30th March, 2014...phew...a scorching Mothering Sunday!

There was the promise of some warmer weather on the breeze this weekend, and it arrived in perfect time for Mother's Day. Furness Abbey looking stunning as ever!!

What a fantastic display of daffodils around here at the moment too!
 And some other spring stunners are rearing their heads!
The Hillman children on Mother's Day.....eighteen years between them!!!
And the Hillman/Exley mothers...we had 'a bit of a do' today for the occasion! It looks like a summers day!!
But granddad had to get in on the act too!
It just happens to be their 55th wedding anniversary today too!
We've got thirty years in ourselves at Christmas!!
Some workmen high up in the Abbey yesterday, having a good look at the can just see their high visibility jackets in this photo!
This is me in my high visibility jacket!! The end of a busy but distinctly 'summery' weekend!!

Sunday, 23 March 2014

23rd March, 2014...biting wind is back!!

After a relatively mild start to the week, temperatures have fallen again and the wind chill factor is about zero Magnolias are just beginning to open too...they are in for a shock!

Frank's a tough guy though...he's doesn't need a coat!
We met my mother and sister down here today, out for a walk....'Don't take my picture, I look like an old lady' cries my mother...don't think she has realised she is 73!
Mr. H  had his first wedding yesterday at the newly refurbished Abbey House, and it is looking very swish....Oscar's (the new restaurant) not quite ready yet though!
A busy week at school this week, with musical 'messing about' and Sport Relief Scoot and's much harder being a kid nowadays...teachers can't leave you in peace to learn, there's always something you've got to join in with!!!
Good old Mrs. Leigh and her sporty ideas!
Some early cherry blossom out near the railway lines down here.... fact, everywhere is looking quite spring-like at the moment...which means there will be snow before the week's out!
Nice to kick back and enjoy an Abbey Mill Latte before the next working week...!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

16th March, 2014...Misty and cool!

It's been a weird week of weather for Furness...sparkling sunshine, freezing fog and drizzling mist, all within the space of four days!! Look at the difference between Thursday and today...

Mild today, with a fine drizzle, but lots of people down here, walking dogs and having lunch.
Check out Abbey Mill Café earlier this week in the fog.....
...would have been ideal for one of those 'ghost hunter' weekends that tourists pay a fortune for...
Fog doesn't improve the accessibility outside Manor Farm at school 'chucking out time' though, does it!!!!!
Does that look dangerous to you!!! It's chaos! Enough said!
Same daffodils, on Tuesday and Wednesday!! We found some of the less common 'double crown' daffodils up in Abbot's Wood today, they must have been planted specifically, they are not wild.
Family '38' has been born!! Lots of lambs about at the moment.
Lots of these pot holes about at the moment too...the council must have been working around here because they have cleared some overgrown areas allowing us to photograph this view...
Frankie decided to go for a paddle....
...then do a bit of 'train spotting'...good company for Grace's Mike- also a confirmed train spotter!Let's hope a certain MP was safely on the train, heading back to Westminster after his much publicised wild weekend!!!
How strange....trees watching us...talking of strange, I have now finished M R Carey's 'Girl with all the gifts' that was strange, but also a strangely compelling read...try copy is already on loan though!
Work tomorrow... another action packed week at school........
...and to three of our staff who have a week of musical fun ahead of them......
.....'You'd better shape up...!!

Saturday, 8 March 2014

8th March, 2014..Housing development debate rages on..!

Where are the 18 degree temperatures we were promised??? We was robbed!!! A chilly but dry spring day today, so we walked on down, past the area proposed for housing development, near Manor Farm.
I you have ever driven along here between 3.30pm and 4pm at school 'chucking out' time, you will know how chaotic Rating Lane is, without adding a new junction into a housing estate. Barrow Borough Council is pedantic about it's traffic restrictions...that will probably be enough to stop the development....aside from the fact that the fields flood regularly and the Abbey precinct wall needs preserving...
...I've heard some ridiculous schemes in my time, but this one beats the rest!!! Anyhow, rant over! For the time being, the Abbey ruins remain in tact...
It is nice to hear that Jacqui at Abbey Mill Café will be continuing to trade for another year at least...make sure you support her everyone....and any other local small businesses (SteveHillmanPhotography took another booking for 2015 this morning so HE'S happy!!).
I'm in support of anything, any projects of any type, that support our town and its future and prosperity......that's why I'm so proud of Central Ward Schools too!!'s a ranting blog today!!!
The daffodils are finally blooming down here today, and the usual hint of wild garlic is in the air!
Just caught the heron looking for his lunch!!
It is quite scary how much water is still under ground only rained a bit on Wednesday night and look what happened down here on Thursday morning...
Hardly land fit for a housing estate, is it!!
The peaceful Walney Channel skyline last night....I loved that Artists impression of the futuristic Barrow skyline in the Evening Mail earlier in the week...
 Rob Halfpenny imagining the Barrow landscape in 2164...SUPERB!
Cover Photo
I admire local lads like him, and Dave Pooley for their artistic talent!! It's a shame about the local lads that supposedly get their accolade from the ridiculous drinking game that is buzzing around at the moment....oh no....I'm ranting again!!!