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Saturday, 23 November 2013

23rd November, 2013...the first hard frost of the season!

We headed up to Water Street this morning, where you can get superb views over Barrow, and it was such a lovely morning...why wouldn't you!!


The frost was gone when we got to the Abbey at lunchtime, but still plenty on the 'tops'!

Abbey Mill Café has a lovely cosy look at the moment! Frankie has switched to hot drinks to keep warm now, though he would never dream of wearing a COAT!
It was very quiet down here today...not a breath of wind, and the cooler weather has killed just about everything green- for another year.

Frankie was messing about, throwing leaves into the river today. It is quite high, but nothing like the last years levels at this time... in fact, the weather has been positively calm compared to last November.

Our school choir has been invited to sing inside the Abbey ruins on December 15th! Hopefully it will be in a candle-lit infirmary (weather permitting), so that will be a festive event not to be wise our school Christmas Fayre, taking place on Friday!(excuse the plug!!).
Frankie has been telling me all about his school's OFSTED visit this week... he did get to talk to inspectors...he's becoming quite an 'old hand' at that, and hopefully the school has done okay. Stressful times for Furness!!
Still a good place to be though....!!


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