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Saturday, 12 October 2013

12th October, 2013...the long shadows of autumn!

A brisk autumn breeze is blowing today, with lots of low, lilac clouds casting weird shadows over the Abbey!


One of my colleagues asked me to pick up some fallen logs for her when we were next out walking at the Abbey... is this okay Mrs. R?( we threw it in the back of the Landrover!!)
Frankie is becoming increasingly interested in technologies and what they can do, so these photo manipulations were his idea!!
Cloned conkers!!
Quiet down here today, so we were able to get close to this Jay gorging itself on acorns....
.. and a very awkward cat that would not move from the railway lines, despite the approach of a train... that's cats for you!
There have been some strange cloud formations hanging over Barrow today...they looked like they were ready to let go millions of litres of water at any moment, but they didn't and it's still dry!
 Lots of 'digging' activity going on inside the ruins this week...we have had similar going on in our back garden, as we are having a revamp, courtesy of Joe Lacey Builder, and I got talking to my class about 'what if you dug up your back yard and found a skeleton'...the talking it led to was hilarious and worth writing down!
How NOT to photograph the Abbey!!
(And the car was still moving!!)
Abbey House is having a revamp...but still looks as stunning as ever.. as do a lot of the views around here at the moment!
Lovely afternoon for a stroll...!
Couldn't resist this... people who know us know why!!