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Monday, 6 May 2013

5th May, 2013.... Finally, a summers day!

We were disappointed to wake up this morning to overcast skies, but when I went out to feed the birds, it did actually feel warm, even though it was 7.30am! Happily, the sun was out by lunchtime, so we walked down here... to find everyone else had done the same!

Lots of lovely early summer flowers out now, and even the lambs were sunbathing!
There was a lot of activity inside the Abbey ruins today, so we went in to have a look. An archaeological firm were working on the third phase of the underpinning- there's not much access to the church at the moment, and it looks like they've got a big job on. There was also a BMW parked in the car park, with a fancy crest on, and two gentlemen who were obviously not tourists walking round..... but even Tom couldn't tell us who they were???
Lots of clumps of Lady's Smock growing inside the Abbey grounds, looking rather attractive...
Look at the blue tomorrow!!

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