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Saturday, 26 January 2013

26th January, 2013

Snowy, but a mild 7 degrees celsius, so we headed off to the Abbey for some fun in the snow, along with many other Barrovians!

There was plenty of sledging....but also some snowboarding!

The Abbey buildings look very picturesque with a slight dusting of snow, as though someone has painted white highlights along its edges.
It was too busy down here to see much birdlife, but we did catch sight of this small flock of geese...don't know what type or where they might be heading?

Abbey Mill was seeing a lot of action because of all the sledging, and we couldn't resist a hot drink and a bowl of chips!
The snow hasn't dampened the first signs of spring that we are monitoring down here, but as I am writing this at 5.35pm, it is pouring with rain and the snow has pretty much gone!

The A590 might have been snarled up last night, but there doesn't seem to have been any problems with the local trains!

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