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Wednesday, 31 October 2012

31st October 2012

Pouring with rain at 1pm today and the place is deserted! The Red River is running high, but even though it is quiet, there is no sign of the heron we saw fishing the other day(when we DIDN'T have the camera!).

We did spot this finch protecting it's territory and berries. we are not quite sure what kind of a finch it is??
Frankie used to think this old entrance hut was where Percy Park Keeper lived (from the Nick Butterworth stories), and he always sat on the step waiting for him to come out, like he does in 'One Snowy Night'! Then he transferred his beliefs to Tom, who used to be groundsman here- HE then became Percy for a while!!

The ash leaves underfoot look pretty healthy at the Abbey- no sign of the dreaded fungus that seems to be afflicting the ash trees in the south.

There are some lovely old trees along the paths here, I think this one must be a couple of hundred years old at least!It looks like the rain has caused some sort of slippage onto the railway line here, it wasn't there yesterday- it's red clay!

Finally, the good old Abbey.... in the rain! We thought we might come down after six o'clock tonight and get some ghostly pictures... depending on the weather!

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