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Thursday, 27 August 2020

27th August 2020...No back to school for me!!

It feels really strange not to be getting ready for September-I've been doing that since 1981, if I include the university years, and I now know what my very dear friend and former boss meant about moving on finally from teaching. Not getting any sympathy from any ex-colleagues though, who have taken to running past me or blanking me completely. Perhaps that's just the way it goes....
Anyhow...Furness Abbey has stood through many generations of humans angst and I'm sure it will stand through many more after all those people have gone, realising that they were nothing more than a drop in the vast ocean of time, as we all will be, in the end....or maybe Furness Abbey won't still be standing...

...because it's having work done!

Still looking lovely though!

But very quiet this morning at seven thirty!

Hair's a bit wild at the moment- haven't use straighteners since lockdown.

The boy was eighteen on Tuesday...thanks to Lucie for this wonderful cake...(and the words of wisdom)

...and to all the people who turned out for his birthday, despite the pandemic (none of his godparents there though, sadly.)
The upside of that for us is that, like a lot of other people, we've discovered some new and wonderful local places to walk.... side being our most favourite one...

...if you don't include the moon!

Very autumnal chill in the air at the moment....

....but I'm expecting an incredibly poignant September!

Thursday, 6 August 2020

6th August, 2020...The New Normal!