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Monday, 4 May 2020

4th May, 2020....the pandemic continues but people are changed.....

So, this country, along with most places in the world, is still having to take stringent measures in order to break the transmission of the terrible coronavirus that had spread across the globe. Speculation abounds about the source of the virus and everyone involved in virology or epidemiology is rushing to try and create a vaccine or drugs to help fight the virus if you are unfortunate enough to have been infected. Tragically, 248K people from across the world have died from the virus- 28,000 in the United Kingdom. The world continues to watch and wait, as the global economy tracks downwards. But there are hopeful signs. Adversity has created a feeling of collectiveness and collaboration amongst the world's population and there have been many, many stories of small deeds that have had a big effect. Captain Tom being one of them- 100 years old and raising almost £33 million for the NHS through his efforts. There are stories like this across the world. But, my goodness, the HYPOCRITES are out in force too!!! We could not stand being parted from our beloved Furness Abbey for a moment longer, so have had two sneaky walks down there recently.

It was so quiet! Birdlife had taken over and the Texels grunted in delight at us!

Scary aren't they! Robosheep!

The dandelions have taken over at Abbey Mill Cafe. On the first day that Jackie opens, there will be queues around the block- all two metres apart of course!

We are walking about seven miles every day- we might even be slimmer at the end of the lockdown, but I doubt it; like everyone else, home cooking and home baking have become a feature of our lives. There have been no Hillman weddings, so no income and no government support for this kind of self-employment. Self-employed everywhere, we are thinking of you and how you have been overlooked. So, for now, it is Hillman Flowers instead of Hillman Weddings.... 

If you haven't already walked through How Tun Woods, I would highly recommend it. We've renamed it Furlough Way.....

….and some wonderful views from the top of the nearby quarry and golf course.

So...good points of the lockdown, 40K children's book and 90K novel written, onto memoires now; bad points of lockdown, the brown root spray goes everywhere- come back Caroline!!!