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Monday, 22 July 2019

22nd July, 2019..endings and beginnings!

Monday afternoon-if you're a teacher, you'll know that it takes at least two days of sleeping and de-stressing before you can really start to enjoy the summer break- so we finally made it down to Furness Abbey, just as the sun began to shine.....

…..look how long the grass has grown in the month since we were last here....

...and the beck has filled up a bit too...

…..lots of lovely natural life lurking in the long grasses...

….warm, quiet and tranquil at Furness Abbey today!

Tranquil is NOT a word I'd use to describe the last month though....the SteveHillman wedding season is in full flow- lots of couples beginning their new married life together.....

...and the SteveHillman signature style, as always!! Lots of goodbyes to be said this week too, as our latest cohort of children move on to their next school- they've been a great bunch and we have learned a lot from them.....

...great bunch of colleagues too-and I did my traditional 'squeeze' into my class hoody!!

Found this photo in our archives- another sad ending, but our beginning with Furness Abbey, and a great inspiration to many folk!