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Sunday, 11 November 2018

11th November, 2018...... 'For your tomorrow, we gave our today.'

A significant week for the people of Britain, Barrow and our own little hundred years since the guns were silenced at the end of the Great War. We have been lucky enough to take part in a week of commemorative events and it's fair to say that the people of our little town have risen to the occasion too. I personally think it is a teacher's duty to make sure children understand the history that has shaped their lives and our school has certainly been at the forefront of this thinking during the past fortnight...…

...I'm not one for misinformed ignorance, as you know!!!! Lots of schools and institutions in our town have joined together to make sure children know what their freedom cost, and our pupils (and staff) have moved us to tears with their stories and artefacts from their own family history-family is at the heart of everything isn't it. Anyhow....heavy rain did not dampen the spirits of Barrow people as they turned out for the parade today.....

We managed a quick but muddy walk to Furness Abbey this afternoon too....first time for what seems like ages....

...and the sun came out!!

It was looking lovely in the late autumn sunshine....

So...we saw these herdies on the wall, looking longingly at the greener grass on our side, and as we got nearer, they ran along the wall, until one fell off, into those brambles below! We approached, and it had got itself well and truly entangled in bramble vines! I held the camera whilst Steve Hillman himself attempted sheep was growling rather aggressively, but finally yanked its own fleece so hard that the brambles gave way and it was free! Grass is not always greener herdies!!!

Looking very Christmassy already up at Charnley's….

...don't forget to support our Christmas Fair in a few weeks time!

Lovely Cragwood wedding earlier in the week, where this genius photo was taken!