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Wednesday, 28 February 2018

28th February, 2018...Beast from the East Blog!!

We thought it was pretty cold standing out in the playground last night doing fire training....

...until we got up for work this morning......

.....there wasn't HEAPS of snow in Barrow itself, unlike higher up in Cumbria, but it was -3 degrees driving to school this morning at 7am, and that has lingered through the day. The weather forecasters were not wrong!!! Snow day for the Steve Hillman camera though....

...bleak but beautiful!! Snow day for some older kids too...

I think we're all still in shock in Cumbria!!

Saturday, 24 February 2018

24th February, 2018....Fabulous but FREEZING February!!

That blast from the East has really hit us this weekend....and is forecast to get worse before Spring finally arrives! Thought we'd better head down to Furness Abbey while the sun was shining today....just in case we don't see it again until next month!

Some lambs in the fields down here already......

...and a few spring flowers being brave! We are always brave enough for a spot of morning tea at Abbey Mill Café!

Most of February has been more than a little chilly, and our London friend even had to dig out her Barrow hat for the weather!

Pretty chilly at St. Peter's Church earlier in the month too!

We've met some inspiring people since the last blog...this was Stuart Robinson, from GB's wheelchair rugby team...with a very simple message for kids and adults alike....stop moaning and get up and do!! He had to, after the life changing injuries he sustained, and his example is now motivating many others to do the same. Stuart was exactly right though...what you think, you become!

We also met up with Frances Horridge from Wake Up To Drama Academy, earlier this week. She's become a friend to us over the years, and we always enjoy her take on Shakespeare!

                                  Check her out:

Keeping with the 'winter' theme, we had the chance to go skiing and tubing at Kendal Snow Sports club, earlier in the week.....

My colleagues love danger more than the kids!!

...and up to Kendal Castle...always got time for a bit of local history! Lovely views from up there too!

                                These are the skies we are waking up to at the moment.....


Sunday, 4 February 2018

4th February,2018.... Disappearing January!!

Where did that month go??? What with OFSTED, family visits, 80th birthdays, wedding fairs and falling down the stairs (ha ha!!) there haven't been enough January days to squeeze in even the smallest visit to Furness Abbey....but we made it today....TWICE!!

           That wasn't today though!!!! However, it was looking beautiful at 8am this morning.......

...couldn't resist a quick trip down with the camera!

Looking beautiful from our Rakesmoor vantage point this morning too!

The sight of a slice of blue sky this afternoon tempted us down for a walk again.....

...and we wheeled nan out for her daily constitutional!!

Had a catch up with Abbey Mill's Jackie..... seems some 'upgrades' are in store for the good old Abbey!

We had a lovely visit with the Northants clan earlier in the month......

Got the chance to try out The Swan.......great atmosphere, and lovely food too!!

Then it was all systems go for the senior Mrs Hillman's 80th birthday celebrations.......

...with a fabulous cake made by Lucie Phelps from Lucie's Cakes Co. -well worth a look if you are wanting a celebration cake.

The original HILLMAN clan......

.... and all their children!!

Also managed to squeeze in a very successful OFSTED visit, training days, wedding fairs, school trips........

...need to get to February for a REST!!!