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Sunday, 24 September 2017

24th September, 2017....A lovely end to a literary week!

Up and about early today as it was another precious day off! Leaving Frankie behind, we set off for morning tea at Abbey Mill Café.....

...which was looking lovely on this calm, autumnal morning.....

.........the new Jackwolfskin is out!!!! Well, it is Autumn!!!

The SteveHillman camera has had some funny episodes this have to ask him about the Abbey House Archway...but he particularly enjoyed photographing the local community garden awards at Barrow Town Hall, and as always, he can't resist snapping away at other things....

.......some of the legends linked to our locality.....

......and so sad to hear that The Four Groves has closed- some funding should be reserved whatever!

Along with many schools and colleges across the country, we have celebrated the life and work of Roald Dahl over the past few weeks, with assemblies and stories and other events...his love of the written word still inspires so many children (and adults) and every time I read one of his novels, I find something new and clever...and Steven Spielberg's version of The BFG is superb- Mark Rylance makes it...watched it again on Friday with my class!

I'm totally in support of those lobby groups fighting to keep local libraries open...reading is so important for everyone, but especially for the developing brains of children...I think I'd read the whole of Walney libraries fiction department before I was ten...Enid Blyton, Ruth Manning-Saunders, Alan Garner, Rosemary Sutcliffe... I loved everything!!! So THANKS to the forward thinking people organising this.....

....hopefully lots of people will support!

          P.S. Sending all our thoughts and good wishes to Mike Last Resort and his family!

Sunday, 17 September 2017

17th September, 2017.....Furness Abbey...we've made it back!!

Looking back over our blog stats, we've done nothing much since July...time slipped away from us this summer and we suddenly realised we'd only been down to Furness Abbey and weddings completely took over...if that's a reflection of the free time we've had, we've got to do something about it!! Luckily, we had no commitments today and the weather was 'perfect September' so off we headed.....

The Last Rose of Summer in our garden...actually it's Auntie Olive's rose! Butterflies are really loving our buddleias too!

We did our September look at Victorian Barrow with the kids earlier in the week, and had the chance to look at the Barnes Wallis exhibition at the Dock Museum too.......

......there's so many interesting buildings in this town, if you just LOOK UP.....

...and masses of interesting character stories too!

We did have a lovely 'back-to-work and school' roast dinner last week at Abbey House/Oscars...great food as always!

It's no wonder we're not winning the fight against middle aged spread!!!!