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Sunday, 12 March 2017

12th March, 2017....Early sunshine, late showers and superb TV!!!

Well...The Swan Wedding Fayre was a great success....not perfect without Gracie-hence 'this stall'- but great for the SteveHillman wedding factory!

Unfortunately, I've been in the grip of the worst migraine I've had to date...Sunday evening until Thursday evening...I went to work, but it was like watching from afar...I've decided to try giving up caffeine...there's not much else to give up-don't drink/smoke/eat meat/take meds...and I do feel a bit more human today, so we ventured to Furness Abbey early this morning for a bit of fresh air.... I gave in to the caffeine ban and had a spot of morning tea at Abbey Mill Café.....and caught up with my daughter....'don't take a photo of me...I haven't washed my hair' came the cries...but that's what Sunday's are about isn't it!!!

Spring seems to have arrived this year without us noticing......

...and the beck is quite high...

...soon be time for THAT wedding!!!!!!

Supporting Abbey Musical's production of Barnum this week....the SteveHillman Camera is off to photograph the dress rehearsal in a short while.....I have some colleagues in the production, and some of the crew were good enough to come into our school earlier in the week, and give the children a little taster...

...look out for Mr Irv, and his new talent!!

Our evenings have been spent watching TV on the sofa recently....there has been some excellent drama...what was The Kettering Incident all about...even five minutes from the end, we hadn't worked out what would happen.....

...and as for The Replacement.....superb!!