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Sunday, 27 November 2016

27th November, 2016.....Santa arrives a month early!

What a beautiful Saturday couldn't resist a walk to Furness Abbey.....

...looking stunning in the frosty morning light...

...feeling in a reflective mood today....the Hillman's haven't been well for a fortnight-on the mend now....but you don't half find out who your friends are when you're a bit down, don't you!!!

Well, the festive season has started for us, and we have put together our first Christmas tree for the St.Mary's Dalton Christmas Tree Festival.......

...and the 'name to remember' theme meant only one thing for us.......Furness Abbey; our tree is decorated with red, white and Tudor roses!!'s worth a visit to the's especially lovely this year!

We've also had our now FAMOUS annual Christmas Fair, and raised a good amount of money thanks to the lovely friends and families of Greengate!

My boss and I really do have to keep in with Santa and his elves....praying and magic are the only things that keep us going sometimes!!

The gorgeous baby Leigh made her debut too! I do work with some amazing people.....a special thanks to Julie and Gracie for their REAL fellowship and support (I'm getting a bit emotional can you tell I've had a virus!!!)

We popped in to Abbey House today for a meeting....I would so love to own that building and those grounds.....


Sunday, 13 November 2016

13th November, 2016....A calm and grey Remembrance Day!

There was a beautiful sunrise this morning......

...but by ten o'clock, the skies were flat and grey and the air was a little dank...didn't stop the loyal people of Barrow turning out in their hundreds for the Remembrance Day parade!

Our children have done their bit to support the British Legion too...

We had a bit of a ' gathering of the clans' at Abbey House this weekend too.....'s looking lovely and festive already...

.....and the food was faultless, as always.....

...lovely place to meet up with family!

So we set off after lunch for a much needed walk to Furness Abbey to use up all that 'crème brule' energy...

...which was very quiet and serene.....

...time for Hillmans to gather themselves, ready for the busy month ahead.....

Sunday, 6 November 2016

6th November, 2016...Anniversary blog!

Brrr....rather a large temperature drop this week in Furness.......and we celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary on idea where that time went!

Although I did make a lop-sided carrot cake, we didn't manage to get an anniversary dinner until today, as 'work madness' has already set in! We thought we'd give the rebranded Charnley's a try (kind of a nod to my Charnley friend and wedding witness...)

                                   ...and it was very nice, with a Christmas vibe going on too! always though, we ended up at Furness Abbey.....

...which is looking lovely now that the temperatures have dropped and the foliage is turning....

...someone's enjoying the atmosphere of the place!!!

The walking boots have come out.....

...and even Frank's allowing himself to wear a COAT!!

Looking forward to meeting up with the 'Monster Raving Loony Party' branch of the family next weekend, but in the mean time.....

...don't forget to wear your poppy with pride this week!