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Sunday, 25 January 2015

25th January, 2015....Stunning photography at Furness Abbey!

A strange week of weather....Hawcoat had some snow on Wednesday morning but there wasn't any in town. Some beautiful sunrises and low winter sunshine, frost and todays gloom. The perceptive camera of Steve Hillman has captured it all.......

Stunning!!! We've been asked by lady who writes a wider Barrow blog if she can use some of our Furness Abbey photographs, so that's plenty for her to choose! Gloomy down here this weekend though....

We had a chat to Abbey Mill's Jackie about plans for The Abbey Tavern now it has been purchased by English Heritage. It will be incorporated into the fabric of the existing museum, but not for at least two years. In the mean time, it is becoming more and more run's such a shame...

What about Wolf Hall...!! That was the best bit of 'period' TV I've seen in ages. The characters told a stand alone story instead of having to re-tell the history (in case you didn't know it), and Mark Rylance was stunning as Thomas Cromwell. I loved the little OCD touches...him straightening the table cloth and wiping the goblet!! I don't know if Thomas Cromwell himself visited Furness Abbey during the Dissolution, but he would be kicking himself now knowing he missed the Abbot's grave and treasure!

I met up with my long-time friend from Canada on Tuesday afternoon. She left Barrow almost twenty five years ago, but sadly had to return for a funeral. It wasn't the best place to meet up but it was lovely to see her, and hear the life story of her father-in-law, another 'born and bred Barrow' person. The old peoples home where she worked isn't even there now, which was a shock to her, but we picked up pretty much where we'd left off....and she still can't use technology...phones, computers, cars!!!! Barrow Girls Grammar School is not there now either, so it will keep our secrets at least!

Ruth was the queen of the 'zip-up collared cardigan'!!!! She wore it so well!!

Doesn't Abbey House look beautiful in the morning light!

Only soft, grey light down here this afternoon.....Frankie is sporting the 'hoody' look so well! We walked further along the Roose path today...some weird old trees to look's well worth setting off from Flass Pits (is it still called that?) and walking right through to Abbey Mill.

Especially with this waiting for you at the other end!

Sunday, 18 January 2015

18th January, 2015...A sniff of winter, Blue Monday and another giant family gathering!

Beautiful sunshine on Saturday, and a distinct lack of weddings, so we headed down for an early walk to Furness Abbey.

A football team working out greeted us....far too intense for me...I'd rather walk (or swim)!
Beautiful view of Abbey Mill from the top of the amphitheatre....we didn't have luncheon today (been reading Wind in the Willows again!) as we knew we were heading out for another family meal in Ulverston this evening. Farmers Arms doesn't have fantastic connotations for me, but actually it was very nice, but VERY busy!
My niece has outgrown us all!
About 75% of 'The Clan' in this photo! Big decisions to made this week about whether one of them escapes to work in Boston for a few years.....not an easy decision! bed late after drinks at the Hillman wake up to this.......
We got out as early as we could but by lunchtime the light drizzle had melted everything, and only the pathways at Furness Abbey remained covered. No photo opportunities today!
Poor old monks...they must have been no fires allowed except in the Abbot's house and in the infirmary!
Apparently, it is Blue Monday tomorrow...the most depressing day of the year, and we have been asked if our school can provide a taste of the antithesis to this...."YES!" I answered, so look out for us on the #nwembehappy site at some point this week......
....why would you not be happy, living in a place like this!

Sunday, 11 January 2015

11th January, 2015...Bleak and bitter weather...!

Phew...back to school, and a week of bitterly cold gale forced winds that would give you ear ache even if you didn't have ears....I've stood our in the playground on duty this week with my scarf held over my sore ears for protection. Very bleak down at Furness Abbey today.....

Our favourite tree is down in these winds too...what a shame!

It reminds me of a poem favourite of mine....The Darkling thrush by Thomas Hardy...just that first bit...

I leant upon a coppice gate
When Frost was spectre-grey,
And Winter's dregs made desolate
The weakening eye of day.
The tangled bine-stems scored the sky     
Like strings of broken lyres,
And all mankind that haunted nigh
Had sought their household fires.

Didn't stop the intrepid Hillmans walking out....we've got all the right kit...courtesy of Jack Wolfskin and NFL hats!

We even stopped for a spot of afternoon tea at Abbey Mill Café...why wouldn't you!!

Lots to choose from, whatever the weather! We even spotted the first daffs of the season...nothing in our own garden yet though!

So...the senior section of the Hillman family headed up to Ambleside this week on the SteveHillman birthday...he had been promised an 'Apple Pie Eating House' breakfast on his next birthday by our daughter, and she kept her word!

Mr. Hillman senior completely bemused by the choices in Hayes whilst Mrs. Hillman senior chose to photobomb every picture!

And SteveHillman birthday boy bought himself a birthday present from me....was I the ONLY one at WORK?

That's him 33 years ago, when we met!!!! My hair was a similar length!!! We did have a lovely birthday meal at Oscars, Abbey House on Friday, which makes three meals and an afternoon tea there in the last month, all excellent!

Had afternoon tea there recently with some of my crazy but lovely colleagues/friends, and as I watched yet another re run of my favourite Sherlock (the Benedict Cumberbatch version) last night, I was reminded of a conversation we had about how much we liked Mark Gatiss- described by one friend as very...pointy!!! Actually, she's right, and it set me off howling again!