Lovely long shadows, mild air and we are still not wearing our winter coats!
The Greengate Fundraising machine did very well on Friday.....
....and even Santa came! Lots of Christmas Fairs on at the moment....we used our day off to visit yet another one!

Nice bit of community spirit around in Barrow at the moment! None of this 'Black Friday' grab,grab, grab...that's nothing to do with Christmas, that's just pure greed!
It reminded us of the old 'Emmerdale Farm' opening shots down here today....very rustic, almost Yorkshire....we were waiting for Amos and Seth to come walking over the hill!
What about the new homes on the looks like up-market Torquay or something...I'd love one of those as a holiday home!! Talking of new homes...maybe we won't have to look at the 'Manor Farm' housing estate after all....don't want to jinx it by saying anything else!
This guy was watching us as we walked down by the beck...there are some signs that the season is turning, but not many!
An ex colleague of mine gave me his collection of Furness Abbey postcards to have a look through and there are some fascinating shots of the ruins in days gone by....
Fascinating stuff.....If anyone is interested in seeing the whole collection, get in touch! I love old buildings....that feeling of energy that a long history brings.....I'd love to renovate an old house!We lived in 'Dunvegan' on Hawcoat Lane when we were younger.....what a place that was...I'd love to own it now! I think the Victorian builder William Gradwell built the whole house for himself, but it has since been divide up into three properties.
Isn't Furness Abbey a stunning place!