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Saturday, 28 September 2013

28th September, 2013...Lovely sunny Saturday!

Unusually, there wasn't an SH Photography wedding today(there was yesterday, and Abbey House Wedding fair tomorrow!)so we actually made it to the Abbey! Beautiful Autumnal weather, and set fair for the whole weekend!

As it was lunchtime, Frankie celebrated with his customary lemonade and sausage bun, courtesy of Abbey Mill Café, and what a sausage bun it was!
Lovely autumn colours down here already, and the leaves are beginning to fall too!
Reading a really good book at the moment, called 'The Pinecone' by Jenny Uglow ,which is the true story of a Cumbrian woman who built a church in the village of Wreay. Fascinating stuff!
It's that time of year again when the height of the sun makes lovely long shadows, but also allows dank, hidden corners!
Bulls were in a mellow mood today too...good job!
We thought we would take the old monk's path home today... a very pleasant walk!
Will someone PLEASE claim these glasses from How Tun's driving Frankie mad seeing them there every night!!
Don't forget to show your face at the Abbey House Wedding Fair tomorrow... especially Mr. Neil!!

Sunday, 8 September 2013

8th September, 2013...Good old British rain again!

A day of sunshine and showers...time to get the wellies and waterproof coats out again. Frank has started at his new school, and I am very happy to be back at my old one...though it has a fresh, new feel this term! Brill!

It was very quiet down here at 3.30pm...most people had packed up at gone home. We did try a new place for lunch today, still quite near the Abbey. Barrow Golf Club are running their club house as a café/bar , open to the public, catering by Hartley's of Dalton, so we gave it a try...and it was excellent and very good value. Lets hope this new venture gets off the ground. Can't beat a cup of coffee and a bacon bun (or is it roll) at the Abbey Mill Café though!!
A bit drippy and damp down here today, with lots of fruits ready to fall from trees...Frank is waiting to have his usual conker fest!
Happy Birthday on Wednesday to Rog, Neil and Matt... an auspicious day to have your birthday!