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Sunday, 23 June 2013

23rd June, 2013

A typical summers day in June... windy and drizzly one minute, but the next, sunny and warm. Hopefully the Azores High is heading back up this way very shortly!
Very quiet down here today... apart from the cows, which seem tame and a little frisky!
A lovely buttercup meadow is forming over the amphitheatre, and the swifts must be nesting because they were dive bombing both us and the cows. A little wag tail followed us too!
( Really tricky to photograph as they fly so fast!)
A quiet summers day by railway lines always reminds me of that Adlestrop poem by Edward Thomas. It was like that today...'And willows, willow-herb, and grass,
And meadowsweet, and haycocks dry,
No whit less still and lonely fair
Than the high cloudlets in the sky.'
The English countryside... nothing better...!
Lots of interesting bracket fungi on this old sycamore tree...!
This one looks like the Starship Enterprise!!
Time to give Furness Abbey a good haircut...!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

9th June, 2013...what a scorcher!!

We seem to get about one day off a month at the moment, but no-one can complain about the eight continuous days of glorious sunshine we've had so far in June. Furness Abbey Fellowship group held the sponsored walk today so we thought we'd pop down to see what was going on!

The meadow is growing!
Frank has grown quite attached to his hat after his school trips earlier in the week! He can tick off the 'rolling down the amphitheatre hill' and 'visit Abbots Wood' part of his Neil Doherty Bronze Challenge now too! Look it up!!
We spotted this little guy either nesting or feeding chicks!
Lots of lovely flowers and trees in full bloom now down here...
.......strange seeing trees full of Maythorn in June!
Weird pattern painted on the side of this van in the car park.... eyes??  Hands??Angels???
I could live with three more months of this weather, and no one could possibly declare a DROUGHT after November (look back at the BLOG to remind yourself!!)