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Saturday, 30 March 2013

30th March, 2013...Waxwings in Furness!!

We finally got out and about today, even though Steve Hillman fitted in a wedding too! Sparkling sunshine but only 5 degrees celsius- envious of Sara, who is in Florida today!!
Still a lot of snow banked up on the roadsides around here, from last weekend.
We spotted about ten Waxwings in the trees near our house today... we were just on our normal route, over by the green on Dunmail Raise, and there they were, roosting in a tree!!
Lots of new sheep families in the fields around the Abbey at the moment. What horrifying stories they were about sheep and lambs being buried alive in snow drifts! Poor things!!
Don't forget the Easter Egg Hunt at Abbey Mill tomorrow. Steve Hillman hid the eggs, so here are a few clues...!
SPRING FORWARD with the clocks TONIGHT!!

Saturday, 16 March 2013

16th March, 2013

Finally, a day off...! Definate feel of spring in the air,and temperatures of 9 degrees, with some blue skies and a little drizzle.
The cows are in the meadow too...!
There are plenty of signs of spring...wild garlic, lambs, daffodils... and tree felling!
It looked like two old Elm trees  and from their rings, they seem to be at least 100 years old!!
It was very quiet down here today... apart from a helicopter which was circling constantly, and seemed to be talking photos or filming perhaps??
A 'host of golden daffodils' at Furness Abbey, well almost...!

Saturday, 2 March 2013

2nd March, 2013...Spring finally arriving at Furness Abbey!

It seems ages since we got down here for a walk...we get so tied up with work and life!! It was a mild 9 degrees here at lunch time, with a definate feel of Spring in the air!
The daffodil that we have been monitoring at the railway crossing has obviously opened in the last week or so, but the head was hanging off...what a shame. But we did see these patches of crocuses on the walk down, near Manor Farm.
There was a fight in the bushes between a blackbird with a lump of fat from the bird table, and a blue jay, determined to have it! We caught the tail end of it, with the jay hiding in the trees, ready to pounce!
The big wall of daffodils is not quite ready to open yet.
It looks like Abbey House has laid some new pathways since we were down here last, and there is a mysterious pile of limestone waiting outside Abbey Tavern. I wonder if someone has bought it finally...?
Our little friend was around, and following us today, but we hadn't brought any scraps down with us!!