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Sunday, 17 February 2013

17th February, 2013

A lovely sunny day- 9 degrees but with a biting wind. It was very busy down here at lunchtime, with many people having their lunch at the Abbey Mill Cafe. Frankie had an ice cream to celebrate the return of the sunny weather- and his return to school tomorrow!

We had a bit of a tour of the fields towards Yarlside today. Bow Bridge is looking picturesque but the farm fields are still heavily flooded. Hope it all dries out a bit before Mr. Hillman brings one of his bridal couples down here in a few weeks time-or they will have to tie carrier bags around their wedding shoes!
We spotted this little bunch of snowdrops growing in amongst the dead brambles right at the waters edge. And the rhodedendrons are doing well up in Abbots Wood. Our first wild daffodil isn't quite ready yet, but this time next week....
Back to work tomorrow....!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

14th February, 2013...Valentine's Day!

What a contrast to yesterday.... beautiful blue skies and 8 degrees celsius! The poor daffs don't know what to do with themselves!

It was really busy down here today, and it seems like the Abbey's fishponds are reinstating strange. And one of the kids had a fishing net too!
This shot was taken at the back of Abbey House. We walked up round that way today. It looks like what I imagine Thornfield to look like, in Jane Eyre (keeping with the Valentines theme!)!
What a nice day for a romantic walk...!
And look out for the bluebells...they seem very advanced this year!

Monday, 11 February 2013

11th February, 2013

Phew! It's been ages since we got down here, but it is half term now, and a lovely sunny Monday lunchtime, so Frankie decided he wanted his second sausage bun of the day (he had the first for breakfast at Mike's Last Resort!). Well, he had walked for miles...!
This little guy(the Churchill dog!) decided the open space was too much for him, so he sat down and let his mate and his owner walk away- he had to be carried in the end!
We finally spotted the heron overhead today!!
It's still quite drippy and damp down here, but it looks as though the Western Lakes had some of the bad weather overnight!
Steve Hillman now talking about getting a Landrover Defender- but not in white, obviously...!

Saturday, 2 February 2013

2nd February, 2013

Glorious sunshine down here today...but only 4 degrees celsius. This time last week, we were walking in the snow down here!

We spotted a pair of these birds of prey circling high over the amphitheatre-not sure what they are, kites perhaps...?

There was a lot of activity on the cottage bird table today-all the little birds are hungry, so have become very terratorial!
The spring daffs are doing well...!

And plenty of grass for the sheep!